Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Structure and Function of The Human Body

1.    Brain
Structure :
o  The brain is protected by the skull and the cranium covered in keeping it very safe, because it is the central nervous system.
o  The structure of the human brain can be compared with other mammals, but it is three times larger and more advanced than other mammals.
Function :
o  The brain activates muscles and helps the body secrete chemicals that allow the body to respond to external stimuli.
o  The human brain also perform executive functions, such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thinking, which makes human beings are the most intelligent species on earth.

2.    Eyes
Structure :
o  Eyes composed of additional equipment eye, eyeball, eyeball muscle, and optic nerve II. This additional tool serves to protect the eye of environmental disturbance.
Function :
o  Eyebrows serves to protect the eyes from sweat, eyelids protect the eyes from impact and eyelashes protect the eyes from strong light, etc.
o  Eyes are the senses that is used to look at the surrounding environment in the form of images Thus Spake Able to Recognize the objects around him Quickly
o  Eyes are the sense of sight that receives stimuli such as light (fotooreseptor).

3.    Ears
Structure :
o  Besides functioning as the sense of hearing, the ear as well as a balancing tool.
o  Over the ear composed the outer ear, inner ear, middle ear.The nose is the sense that we use to recognize the surrounding environment or something dariaroma generated. Olfactory nerve fibers at the top of the nose selaputlendir.
o  The fibers of the olfactory function detecting chemical stimuli robin gases in the air (chemoreceptors).
Function :
o  The ear is a sensory tool that has the function to hear noises around us .
The ear is the sense of hearing the roomates receives stimuli such as voice (fonoreseptor).
4.    Tongue
Stucture :
o  On tongue there are two muscle groups items, namely intrinsic muscle (smooth motion) and extrinsic muscles (make rude gestures when chewing and swallowing as well as linking the tongue in the vicinity).
Function :
o  The tongue is a sense organ that serves to feel a sense of stimulation of food that goes into the mouth kita. Tongue can respond to a wide variety of types and sepertirasa taste sweet, bitter, sour taste and flavor of salted
5.    Pharynx
Structure :
o  The pharynx is located below the mouth and nasal cavity, and at the top of the esophagus and larynx.
o   Pharynx and the air is warm, wet and humidify the air passing through it to the lungs. Pharynx can be subdivided into three sections: the nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx.
Function :
o  The pharynx is the part of both the respiratory and digestive systems.
o  The main function of the pharynx is to filter the air
6.    Larynx
Structure :
o  The larynx is the cartilage structure which is above the trachea and contains the vocal cords.
Function :
o  The primary function of the larynx is to give voice when we speak.
o  Larynx better known as the voice box.
o  The larynx also protects the trachea against food aspiration.
o  Any disruption in these organs can cause pain in the throat, loss of voice, or trouble breathing.

7.    Esophagus
Stucture :
o  The esophagus is part of the digestive system and is commonly known as the throat.
o  This organ consists of a muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach and through the process of peristalsis.
o   Average length of the esophagus is about 25-30 cm.
Function :
o  The main function of the esophagus is to assist in transporting food to the stomach

8.    Heart
Structure :
o  The heart is responsible for pumping the blood in our bodies.
o  The heart is made of cardiac muscle involuntary, and this is why the heart continues to beat even when we sleep.
o  It weighs 250-350 grams and is almost the size of a fist.
o  The heart is located on the left side of the chest and is protected by the ribs. The pericardium is a double-walled sac that encloses the heart, not only protects the heart but anchor the surrounding structures and prevent the heart from overfilling with blood.
Function :
o  The main functions of the heart is to provide oxygenated blood to all organs of the body through blood vessels.

9.    Lungs
Stucture :
o  They work very closely with the heart, and give an air of pure oxygen to the blood that is circulated by the heart to the various organs of the body.
o  The lungs also get rid of carbon dioxide and other impurities from the blood veins.
Function :
o  The heart is almost enclosed by the lung, so they also act as shock absorbers for the heart.
o  The lungs also maintain the pH level of the blood.
o  Lung assist in breathing and is the most important organ of the respiratory system.

10.   Diaphragm
o  The diaphragm is the muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavity and extends at the bottom of the rib cage.
Function :
o  The main function of the diaphragm is to assist in respiration. When contracted, there is an increase in the volume of the chest cavity and air is drawn into the lungs.
o  Any interference with the diaphragm causes problems in breathing.

11.  Stomach
Stucture :
o  Stomach is a pear-shaped organ located in the abdomen between the esophagus and intestines. Depending on the position of the body and the amount of food in the stomach can change size and shape.
o  Stomach is a large organ and multi-chamber, which houses a special bacteria that produce enzymes needed for digestion. Removing stomach stomach acid, hydrochloric acid, and maintain pH levels, which helps in the smooth digestion of food eaten.
Function :
o  Stomach is a key player in the digestive system

12.  Liver
Structure :
o  Liver is located on the right side of the abdominal cavity.
Function :
o  Some of the important functions of the liver include filtering harmful substances from the blood
o  Keeping cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood,
o  Secreting specific amino acids
o  Storing vitamins and minerals
o  Secrete chemicals that break down fat
o  And converts glucose into glycogen.

13.  Pancreas
Structure :
o  The pancreas is located deep in the abdomen and is sandwiched between the spine and abdomen.
o  The pancreas is made up of a number of cells called the islets of Langerhans.
Function :
o  The pancreas is an integral part of the digestive system  
o  The functions of the head of the pancreas is to secrete fluid pancreas and insulin, a hormone that affects blood sugar levels.

14.  Small Intestine
Stucture :
o  The length of the small intestine in adults is approximately 22 meters.
o  It is primarily responsible for digestion.
Function :
o  Small intestine connects the stomach and the large intestine. The small intestine absorbs nutrients and minerals in the food and digested food passes into the large intestine.

15.  Colon
Structure :
o  The colon is the part of the posterior intestine and length of approximately 5 meters.
o  It is divided into four parts: cecum, colon, rectum and anus.
Function :
o  The main function of the colon is to absorb water and electrolytes from the rest of the digestive and keep dirt until excreted.

16.  Kidneys
Structure :
o  The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter blood in the human body. They are also responsible for removing waste and regulate electrolyte balance.

Function :
o  The kidneys excrete urine into the ureter, which passed out of the body.
o  Another important function of the kidneys is to control the body's fluid balance
o  Helps in the reabsorption of water, glucose and amino acids.

17.  Skin
Structure :
o  In the skin there are receptors that are sensitive to physical stimuli (mekanoreseptor). Examples of touch, pressure, recom- cold, and pain. Reviews These receptors form free nerve endings and nerve endings tissue capsule that enveloped belt.
o  Generally each type of receptor can only accept one stimuli only.
o  The skin serves as a protective device in the part, such as muscles and bones
o  As an instrument equipped with a variety of touch-sensitive receptors to various stimuli
o  As a means of excretion; as well as regulating body temperature.

Function :

o  The skin is our sense organs capable of receiving stimuli temperature temperature, touch, pain, pressure, texture, and so forth

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